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Canva is a powerful design tool that can be used in education to create projects that not only look great but also help teach students the basics of digital design. This is a free tool that allows students and teachers to work with photo editing, design layout, and more, all within an easy-to-use platform. While this can be used by students to submit projects, it can also teach them how to work more creatively when laying out work. Teachers can also use the platform to create guidance, posters, and more for the classroom and beyond. Canva is a graphic design tool that works to simplify the process of digital design. As such, an account can easily be created and everything works either via a web browser or on the iOS or Android apps. Canva allows for image editing and project-based learning using a simple drag-and-drop interface that works well even for younger students. From brainstorming as a group working collaboratively to individual project creation, it has lots of potential uses in the classroom. Get the latest Canva promo codes & coupons at Passive Dan today.